Breaking Bad is back tonight; I'm nervous

Breaking Bad is back tonight. You already knew this. I’ve never been so excited for the return of a television show. Of course, there were shows when I was younger that I hated going into summer hiatus with those silly cliffhangers. However, as an adult, I feel this is the best show I’ve ever watched. I need to know how the end begins. This is the only time I have ever had to wait for Breaking Bad. I didn’t watch it through its first four seasons. I was only turned on to it about two to three months ago after my boyfriend watched the entire run of the series in about a week when was away for work. He told me I needed to watch and I don’t regret that decision at all. It took me a little longer to watch than a week – about two months. I would watch a show or two at a time and then go three to four days without watching for work or other reasons. But I never felt as though I had to wait. I’ve now been waiting for two weeks – which really isn’t a long time. ...