Review: Space Crazy by K. Rowe

“Story is more than plot, that it's the journey that matters, not how fast you arrive at your destination.” - George R.R. Martin As I read this line a few days ago in Martin's “ Not a blog ,” I kept thinking about the latest story I read from K. Rowe, “Space Crazy. ” I enjoyed the short book, but to a point. There was something nagging at me for much of the book and even after I was done. After I read that line from Martin, it hit me. Space Crazy made it seem I was watching someone's life rather than living it and feeling what the main character, Dar, was going through in different stages of his life. There were so many different life events readers witnessed with his character. The book spanned about 10 years of his life. But only once was I ever really pulled into Dar's feelings. Even through death, leaving home for the first time and gaining the trust and friendship of people he cared about, Rowe didn't dig deep enough.