Review: The Soul Garden by Cege Smith
There is a story in there, I promise.
Even though I wasn't sure, I kept
telling myself that and felt compelled to finish reading the short
story, The Soul Garden by Cege Smith.
My hope was founded, once I got past
the back story and extra words that it took to get there. The first
part has too much information, at times going between memories, which
created the opposite effect of I believe Smith was aiming.
There was too much story to create
tension. As readers open the book they met are with about five pages
worth of back story and a little bit of action. No dialogue.
There has to be good a balance of all
of them and I believe a good editor would have been able to help
Smith cut out the unnecessary parts to get to her story quicker and
with much better pacing.
The Soul Garden takes place in a
society where people follow the rules of the governing body, The
Office of Souls. Humans are born without souls and because of the
limited number of souls, babies have to wait until their Chosen Day
to get one.
The books builds up to Soul
Implantation Day 3675, which is where all the craziness starts.
The second half of the book reads
better than the first, probably because all of the back story is out
of the way and we're left with interactions of characters and
actions. Although well written from a grammatical standpoint,
sentences could have been tighter.
A book shouldn't open with back story,
but a catalyst moment that creates the journey. The second chapter
was better suited to be the first as it creates a moment in the
future to look forward to.
Each chapter is written through a
different character's point of view: a gardener, a top acolyte, an
asylum member and one of two parents of a soulless child. This
provides a decent way to get many characters into the story and
explain their different role in a story, much like George R.R.
Martin's fantasy series A Story of Fire and Ice (The Game of the
Smith does a good job of creating
breaks at the ends of chapters to leave readers wanting more. One of
the things, I do like about the story is that it ends when things
start to get intense. Readers will have to pick up the next book,
which is due out this year to read the rest. This is a good way to
build interest for a story and gain momentum.
(Based out of
Story: 4
Dialogue: 2
Editing: 3
This a free book
offered on Smashwords.
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