Putting the crows to sleep

I finally finished “A Feast for Crows.” I stayed up until 4 a.m. to ensure I got it done. I couldn't go any longer without finishing. The only problem is I need to know what happens next. However, I'm going to wait on reading the fifth books in George R.R. Martin's series to get back into reading/reviewing. Also, I want to talk a little more about the self-published world as it exploded in 2011.

The next book on the list is “Game 7:Dead Ball” by Allen Schatz. It's the first of three books in the Marshall Connors Series. The books follow a Major League Baseball umpire as he's engulfed in murders and mysteries.

I learned about Schatz's books through Twitter. When I first started following him, he probably had around 1,500 followers. In a short time, he's has more than 10,000.

While he spends his time writing, he also does a lot when it comes to promoting his books. That's one of the pitfalls of self-publishing, you're also a self-marketer.

We'll have an interview with Schatz later this week to see what he has learned about the process.  


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