Book review: Game 7: Deadball
As a baseball fan, I'm pretty much a
sucker for anything to do with my favorite sport. But at the same
time, I'm also very critical.
Game 7: Deadball by Allen Schatz is a
mystery thriller with the 2008 World Series as a backdrop. For the
record, I was at that World Series, so it was interesting to see how
certain things would be incorporated into an event I attended.
The first thing I noticed was how well
the book was written. As an indie author, Schatz's writing is very
polished. It was a refreshing start because it meant there would be
no cringing throughout the book from poor grammar or something else
that a good editor could have helped.
It allowed me to just enjoy the book,
which I did.
Marshall Connors, a Major League
Baseball umpire, is at the center of the book. Connors has to cut his
vacation short as he's asked to become crew chief for the 2008 World
Series. Not a bad gig, but mysterious and dangerous messages start
popping up around Connors until he realizes he's in the middle of a
large revenge scheme.
There are a number of characters to
track in the book – and at times it felt as though there were too
many. During certain passages when there was a mention of a lesser
character, I had to go back and remind myself of whom Schatz was
writing about.
The difference with Connors and the
rest was Schatz's characters was the use of perspective. Connors'
passages were written in first person while the others were written
in third person. It took some getting used, but I found it
When I asked Schatz about it he said it
was a way for him to incorporate a bit of himself into the character.
He wanted the focus to be on Connors although I found myself
intrigued by another character, CIA agent Thomas (Suggestion: maybe a
book on Thomas' adventure and how he became the person he is).
The book was quick with short sections
and chapters only hitting on important moments for each character.
There were no long poetic passes. Just action.
It was an enjoyable read and Schatz did
a good job of building suspense.
There are two more books currently in
the series and I intend to check them out as well.
Rating: 4 - Well written and good action. A bit too many characters for me to keep up with, but the ones that mattered came to life well.
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