Book review: Dear Martin by Nic Stone

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It's a fascinating read especially with the way we are so aware of what is happening around the country with police brutality toward African-Americans. Reading 'The Hate U Give' was difficult because of the tough nature of the story. 'Dear Martin' is no different.
In this case, Justyce, an African-American teen is the center of the story. He gets put in cuffs by a police officer even though he wasn't doing anything wrong. He deals with the conflicting sides of growing up in the hood and going to prep school, where he doesn't feel like he fits in either place. He also has to have "the talk" about being black in America - it's not just about what to do when getting pulled over by cops, but also conducting yourself in every day life.
I'm thankful that Nic Stone wrote this book, but also sad that it's the type of book that needs to be written. While fiction, it certainly feels like something that could happen in any community, which makes it heartbreaking.
This is another important read. Because even though Justyce has to go through unbelievable heartache and inner turmoil, there is still hope. That's an important notion to hold on to for everyone.
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